1. Please note the hotel check-in time is 13:00 hrs and check out time is 11:00 hrs.
  2. All guaranteed resrvations cancelled less than 48 hrs prior on the day of arrival.
  3. No show guests will be charged retention fee for the number of nights reserved
  4. Early Check-in will be chargeable &applicable taxes.
  5. Late check -out will be given as per availability and charge as per hotel`s policy
  6. There will not be any cancellation or refund for blackout dates (15th Nov,25th DEC, 31st Dec,26th Jan, etc).


All  guests are requested to carry a valid photo-ID card and produce the same at the time of chech-in. Acceptable photo identity documents are: DRIVING LICENSE/VOTER IDENTITY CARD/PASSPORT/AADHAR CARD. Company identity  cards and photo Credit Cards and Pan Cards are not considered acceptable documents by the security authorities .This is a government regulation without which we are not permitted to take a check-in.We request your cooperation.


  1. I Agree to release my room by 11:00 am on the date of departure .should I fail to check out, I authorize the Balaji Palace Kashi to charge as per their policy.
  2. In case of loss/damage of any item/proerty of the Balaji Palace Kashi by me/us the responsibility to compensate the Palace lies with me/us either before or at the time of check-out.
  3. I/We am/are solely responsible for the safety &security of my/our personal belongings in the case of loss/damage of any items/article(s)during my/our stay in the palace,I/We will /shall not hold the Balaji Palace Kashi/management responsible for the same in any circumstances .I/We shall not ask for the the claim either personally or through the court of law.Since I/we have not disclosed my/our  belongings to Balaji Palace Kashi at the time of check-in, hence I/we do not have the right to ask for 
  4. Safe deposit locker is available in the room; the management does not take any responsibility for the loss of valuables Left in the room/lockers.
  5. Non-residents guest will not be invited in my/our room without pre informing the palace in writing. Balaji Palace Kashi reserves the right to allow /reject the visitors inside the room due to security reasons.
  6. Smoking with in the premises is not allowed.
  7. Any kind of arms/ammunitions are strictly not permitted inside the premises of the Palace.
  8. Pets are strictly not permitted inside the premises of Balaji Palace Kashi.
  9. To maintain Balaji Palace Kashi hygiene &food safety standards outside food is not allowed.
  10. Unmarried couples are not allowed. Local ID are not allowed.
  11. Alcohol &Non veg is not allowed inside the premises.
  12. All disputes are subject to Varanasi jurisdiction


